Register to join Collective Play Ground's Adult-Child Classes GUARDIAN INFORMATION Guardian Name * First Name Last Name Guardian Email * Guardian Phone # * (###) ### #### Guardian Relationship to Child(ren) * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country JOINING ADULT INFORMATION skip this section if same as above Joining Adult Name * First Name Last Name Joining Adult Phone # (###) ### #### Joining Adult's Relationship to Child(ren) CHILD 1 INFORMATION Child 1 Name * First Name Last Name Child 1 Birthday * MM DD YYYY CHILD 2 INFORMATION (skip this section if no other child) Child 2 Name First Name Last Name Child 2 Birthday MM DD YYYY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS 3:45pm @ 428 7th Ave Sept 17 Sept 24 Oct 1 Oct 8 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct 29 Nov 5 Nov 12 Nov 19 Nov 26 Is there anything you'd like to tell us about your family? Examples include: Languages spoken at home? Physical, mental, cognitive or developmental differences? How did you hear about us? Friend Community Listserv Facebook Instagram Online search We have attended an Adult-Child class in the past Other Thank you! Your registration will be processed within 3 business days and we will email you to coordinate your class and payment. Payment through zelle to Instead of putting these fees into an increased tuition rate across the board we want to give families the option of what payment method is best for you! Sliding scale pricing based on household income - less than under $100K | $100K-$170K | above $175K: $35 | $40 | $45 per class sibling rates: $15 | $18 | $22 We look forward to playing and learning with you! If you, your child, or anyone in your household has a fever or other Covid-19 or other cold symptoms please let us know and stay home. If you, your child, or any one in your household is exposed to or diagnosed with Covid-19, please let us know so we can inform your group. What HOUSEHOLD income bracket do you fall into? * We offer sliding scale tuition rates Under $100K | per class: $35 $100K-$175K | per class: $40 Above $175K | per class: $45 Thank you for registering. We will email you soon with the next steps + invoicing.