Collective Play Ground
Classes for caregivers and their little ones to learn + play together
From Montessori Loose Parts to Music Spanish Immersion to an Intro to School Program, check out our classes below
All classes are designed to serve the needs of all learners. Our teachers are prepared to welcome children with special needs receiving any and all services including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and special education supports.
As a Montessori program, an underlying focus of our Collective Play Ground program is respect for self; space and materials; and community. Children develop a work cycle practice and each class supports different Montessori curricular areas:
Peace Curriculum, ex: Emotional Intelligence; Anti-Bias
Cultural Curriculum, ex. Nature; Music; Language
Practical Life Curriculum, ex. Care of Environment; Control of Movement
Sensorial Curriculum, ex. Refining the Senses
Literacy Curriculum, ex. Oral + Auditory work
Available Classes:
Stay Tuned!
Sliding scale based on household income < $100K | $100K-$175K | > $175K
$25 | $30 | $35 per class; sibling rates $17 | $21 | $25
45-min class
Payment through zelle to slope@thecollectivekind.com
Past Classes
Collective Play Ground Adult-Child Classes FALL
Tuesdays 3:45-4:45
Join us in a Montessori class where we’ll learn through play with loose parts.
Sept 17th - Nov 26th @ 428 7th Ave Park Slope
Book Club - PAUSED
Gather to read our weekly book and delve into play with materials to support narrative and collaborative play to the theme of our story. Weekly articles also offered to the adults to read and discuss connected to topics of their choice.
Social Emotional Play Group - PAUSED
Through dramatic play children will explore their understanding of the world around them, how they relate to it, and how they express themselves. In group play they will practice communication and collaboration with peers. All play will be supported by a teacher and the social/emotional learning guided by their observations of the individual students.
Open Reggio Play, 8mo-5yo - PAUSED
Join us for 45-min or the full 1.5-hr open-play window! Open-ended materials will be available for children 8mos+ with specific play kits for our youngest learners to ensure they have mouth-safe materials to explore. Through the Reggio lens, children are viewed as capable citizens who, without limits to their play, can build unlimited connections to their world.
Sick day policies
If you our your child are sick, please stay home and schedule your make-up class for when you are better!
Make-up Class Policy for full session enrollment
One (1) free make-up class/session to use for any reason
Please let your teacher know in advance when you’ll miss class